We are the Robbins

We are the Robbins

Friday, December 17, 2010

December Fun

When is it a good time to put up the outdoor Christmas ligths...probably not the night of the "big storm"

and after the Christmas lights were hung there was much anticipation about playing the snow that fell that night.

With the wind blowing and the snow flying this was the best way to play.

Our annual tradition of watching National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. It is not even too annoying that Grant knows "all" the words.

Santa Babies!

Rudolph with your nose so bright...won't you please go to bed tonight! =)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Sore Loser!

It was a tough game of Dreydal for Grayson. Poor kid didn't win. Don't worry, I don't feel sorry for him, I won that game fair and square. He cried and everything! He said he won't play with me anymore!!!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

The top picture is really for my Mom...it is proof that I do still hang that ugly ornament on my tree. The ornament that made me cry in 4th grade when I received it and again many years after that when Mom kept making me hang it on the tree. It always hangs in the very bowels of the tree and most likely cannot be seen with out looking for it. Why do I hate this ornament so much...it's a long story that involves my Mom's love of Santa Clause, my attempt to make her happy and the student thief who didn't even celebrate Christmas.

It was a great weekend and a busy weekend. We did get the tree up and decorated...everyone participated...Reagan loved helping with the garland (which in hind site wasn't a good idea because now she thinks she can continue to put it on and take it off) Grayson helped with our angel which is so special because it was the angel that was on top of our tree when I was kid. I love Christmas and all the memories.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Oh what a night...

It was girls night out for us. We piled in the car to attend the 10:10 pm showing of Harry Potter. We had a great time!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween! Reagan worked through her fear of pumpkins (tears when Daddy started to carve it), Grayson actually stuck his hand inside a pumpkin to retrieve a dropped toy...that is an improvement since the kid wants the longest handle spoon we have to dig seeds so he doesn't get pumpkin goo on his hands. Costumes were made my Auntie Dingo (Heidi) and the kids looked great. We had grandparents and an aunt and uncle here to help us celebrate. It was a nice Halloween!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Our little Twins fan....

He thinks he is Mauer when he wears his hat backwards. "Mauer the Catcher"

Friday, October 8, 2010

The MN Zoo with the Doerflers

My cousin Jenny and I got together last weekend and took the kids to the zoo. Though the weather felt like a chilly fall day we bundled up and had a great time. We even had lunch at the zoo. If you see the sucker Grayson is eating...it is all he wanted the last time we were at the zoo so I made his dreams come true this trip. He loved it.Bailey and Reagan hanging out. They were really good girls and just sort of hung out in their strollers.

Grayson sitting on a turtle

Right before this picture was taken the goat tried to put his hooves on Jen. He was determined to get that food. Jen was determined to get him away from the smaller goats that the kids were feeding.

Nicky sitting on a turtle

I guess Reagan was tired. She fell asleep between exiting the zoo and the car. Tired baby.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Grayson's First Twins Game 9/21/2010

A broken collar bone did not stop Grayson from enjoying his first Twins game. The game was the day after the break...the doctor said it was fine for him to go. No problem for Grayson with our friends...Motrin and Tylenol and we stayed until after the 7th inning. He would have gladly stayed the entire game.

This is Grayson waiting for the train...we took it from Fort Snelling to Target Field. Not sure if a foul ball will fly as high as our seats but Grayson will be ready to catch it if it does!
I believe Grayson is cheering for the homerun that had just happened. Target Field is quite a sight!

We thought it was funny that we were dosing our kid up with Motrin at the game. Gotta stay up on the pain meds! =)

Reagan stayed home with Nana and Papa...it was late and a chilly night. She was glad to be home. On the other hand the three of us had a great time at the Twins game and can't wait to go back again next year. GO TWINS!

The Small Wonder is growing up...

Reagan's Last Bottle!!!! 9/23/2010Look at the big girl enjoying her breakfast. It doesn't look like she misses her bottles.

Healing Nicely

This xray was taken 10/5/2010 which is 2 weeks after the initial break on 9/20/2010. The doctor said it was healing nicely and was cleared for full on play time. He does still have some pain but that seems manageable. He also does not have to wear the brace anymore. He was a little sad about that...he loved the attention.

I think Grayson is comfortable at the doctors office.

Afte the appointment we went to McDonalds for lunch and thanks to Grayson's happy meal he was able to experience his first temporary tatoo.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Grayson is broken

Here it is folks...an x-ray that even an untrained eye can read. This is Grayson's collar bone after an accident on the playground at school. He actually held up pretty well considering the injury. Grayson returning home from Urgent Care wtih his bravery stickers and a new shoulder brace. (I think his arms look like scarecrows arms the way he is holding them up)
It was a rough couple of nights and some slow moving days but here is the trooper is ready to return to school. We put his brace on the outside of his short to help remind his friends and himself that he has an injury. It isn't a problem getting him to wear the brace because he absolutely loves it.

Not even a broken collar bone will keep this kid from supporting his Vikings!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Birthday fit for a Princess!

Our Small Wonder is 1! We had a wonderful birthday party full of nice weather, family and friends. Actually...it was all family...all 28 of us. We are blessed to have so much family so close. Auntie Dingo drove in from the Quad Cities with her two girls, Uncle Matt and his family was here, second cousins, aunts and uncles...whew...so much fun.

Reagan woke from her afternoon nap with a fever....what a bummer on your birthday. Hooray for medicine!
Yeah a bounce house. This was so much fun...we think Grayson jumped for 3 hours.

Check out this cake ensemble...It was not planned in advance that this would look like this...It was a coordinated effort brought to you by my Mom and Sister. Aren't the crowns awesome? Lovingly made by my Mom...and decorated by my sister.

I have a very talented family...the Happy Birthday sign was made by my sister. Isn't it fantastic.

Check out Reagan's new hair style...it is her new grown up style...now that she is 1.
