The sweet baby girl was there for everything. She just strolled along with us...kicking her feet and flashing those blue eyes and everyone who looked at her.
I remember this ride from when I was a kid. I loved it! Oldie but goodie.
Reagan meets Sweet Martha. It is no surprise that Miss Reagan Anne loves Sweet Martha cookies. What can beat a fresh from the oven warm cookie.
"oink, oink"
A really nice family asked us if we would like them to take our picture. They said they never get a picture of their family and offered it to us. We in turn took their family picture. They were so thoughtful and sweet and were really kind as Graysond described that we were on our way to the big slide where last year his sunglasses got broken because they were in the pocket of his brown coat. How do kids remember so much?

Does Reagan look tired. I don't think so either. This was taken after 9:00pm and she had been up since about 3:30. We thought if we gave her the pacifier she would catch some ZZZ's. Too much to look at I guess. She didn't sleep until 10:20 just before we were on our way out.

Does Reagan look tired. I don't think so either. This was taken after 9:00pm and she had been up since about 3:30. We thought if we gave her the pacifier she would catch some ZZZ's. Too much to look at I guess. She didn't sleep until 10:20 just before we were on our way out.
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